Painting Standards and Prices


Infantry $5 Cavalry $9 Large (Ogre sized) $12 Monster $25 Small Vehicles (Rhino sized) $25 Large Vehicle (Russ sized) $35
The name says it all. I offer this painting standard to prospective clients who may desire a whole army painted, however the cost for the whole job at Normal rate may be outside their price bracket. This standard is suitable for whole armies consisting of lots of infantry miniatures and helps keep the cost down. Miniatures painted to express standard are basic; miniature painting takes a lot of time and I am only able to offer this price by spending considerably less time on each miniature. This being said, express miniatures will still look nice - as demonstrated by the image above - but will lack elements such as shading and highlighting, fine details will be less defined and bases will not be unique.

Infantry $10 *** Cavalry/Bike/ Large Infantry (Terminator) $15 Large (Ogre sized) $30 Monster $65 Small Vehicles (Rhino sized) $65 Large Vehicle (Russ sized) $80
This is my preferred standard of painting. At this level, I can allow time to nicely shade and highlight each miniature and paint it to a desired style, such as comical, realistic or hyper-realistic. Normal miniatures will have detailed bases, basic blending and neatly picked out details such as eyes and fingers.

Infantry $35 Cavalry $55 Large (Ogre sized) $70 Monster $130
While getting your whole army painted in Normal standard is a good idea, it is an even better idea to have your independent characters painted to Heroic standard. As a general rule of thumb I will spend an entire day working on a miniature at this standard. This means that the character will have all it's areas smoothly blended from shadow through to mid-tone and highlight, feature a unique colour identity to stand out amongst the troops, in some cases object source lighting will be utilised and the miniature will be mounted on a unique base.

Golden Demon

Infantry $140 Cavalry $170 Large (Ogre sized) $200 Monster $300
This standard is for the enthusiast who really wants that big gribbly centerpiece miniature to terrify his foe or a heroic general striking courage into the hearts of his followers. I invest a huge amount of effort into Golden Demon miniatures and would be happy to enter any into the Golden Demon contest. However, as I am yet to win a Golden Demon of any placing, I cannot claim these miniatures will win any contest but I would be confident that they would qualify for finals. I do not like to undertake many Golden Demon standard miniatures as they require so much time to achieve a satisfying result and this ends up reflecting poorly on other work running parallel to it as they miss out on much needed work. however I am happy to talk about it and am always open to ideas and suggestions of the client. Typically speaking, Golden Demon miniatures will be beautifully shaded with a visible source of light on the miniature. Bases will be hand crafted using a myriad of materials and made to look very impressive, realistic and detailed. Non-metallic metal techniques may be employed as well as weathering effects, facial expression, freehand painting etc.

Flames of War

 Infantry $2.00 Small Vehicle $10 Large Vehicle $15
This is the only standard offered for Flames of war. Miniatures will be based using textured putty, basing grit and flocks. They will then be base coated with an airbrush and details painted on. A wash will provide shading across the miniatures. Vehicle will be weathered with tamiya products as well as oil paints and pastels. Any freeehand such as decals will now be completed.

Skirmish Systems

Standard Infantry $20 *** Complex/Large Infantry $30 Creature $45 Machine, Mech, Large Robot etc. $65
At this standard each miniature will have individual attention. They will be based and undercoated accordingly and have basic colours painted on. The figure will then be shaded using either wetblending or washing techniques. Highlighting and/or edge highlighting will be used to create more interest in the figure.

Standard Infantry $35 Complex/Large Infantry $55 Creature $85 Machine, Mech, Large Robot etc. $125
Generally speaking, infantry figures painted to this standard will have 6-8 hours spent on them. This means that each figure will feature smooth transitions in blending from shadow to highlight, details painted in such a way as they stand out or 'pop' and faces, hair, armour, weapons etc. will have a unique characteristic. Freehand painting may also be discussed at this standard.

*** Skirmish figures may be painted at a $15 per figure rate as if they were Warhammer infantry if there is a group of at least 5 figures that are painted in the same scheme. Please note that if painted to this standard, the miniatures will not receive individual attention like they would in the Normal Skirmish System standard.